Ground Surveillance Radars
MicroMet offers a unique pulse doppler Ground Surveillance Radar which uses the state-of-the-art Pesa technology. Designed for military and homeland security applications this X Band Radar is fully ruggedized for use in harsh environments.
MicroMet GSR offers the following features:
- Capability To Cover 90°, 180°, 270°, or full 360° in Azimuth
- No Moving Parts
- Extended Detection & Tracking Ranges
- Fully Ruggedized To Mill Standards
- Built In Optical and IR Camera with Cooled Sensor
- Slew To Cue Feature
- Automatic GPS Enabled Base Map Generation
- Continuous Zoom For Both Radar and the Camera Images
- Clutter Mapping Feature
- Proven all-weather operation
- Rapid set up and tear down
- Intuitive Graphical User Interface and easy to operate
- Low false alarm rate
- Network ready for Multiple System Operation